
Thursday 20 September 2012

If you are interested in any of the topics discussed in this article, we would be more than happy to provide by ecommerce dissertation help you with more information. Our expert writers can produce dissertations to a 1st and 2:1 standard that are tailor-made to match your requirements and we have a dedicated customer support team who are on hand every day until 11pm. Our professional writers will produce a quality and original piece of work that would be a praiseworthy finale to anyone's academic career.
We are also offering a unique Dissertation Topic and Outline service, we'll be providing students with complete custom-made Dissertation Outlines, which will be helpful in formulating their dissertation topic, objectives, literature review and methodology. The Dissertation Outline is an ideal tool for any student struggling to start their dissertation or proposal.
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1.0 Introduction
The technology enabling e-commerce has matured sufficiently. The number of online retailers indicates society's acceptance of ecommerce. There is however, still a great amount of progress that is being in these areas, both in terms of the technology being developed as well as in terms of the market penetration and method of employment. It is therefore an area that is rich in research topics. Because of the twin issues of maturity and rapid progress, it is very important that careful attention is paid when a research topic is chosen in this area. The research topic has to be relevant whilst not being in an area that is already well-known and in practice. This requires a significant amount of awareness of the state of research in ecommerce, both in terms of technology as well as about what is in practice & dissertation service. To help you prepare for your dissertation on e-commerce, this article provides suggestions on topics that cover the subjects of e-business, Internet marketing, e-commerce security, mobile e-commerce and e-commerce law.
2.0 Strategy
One of the most important things in any business is the unique selling proposition. This is no different in ecommerce. The platform alone (i.e. the Internet) may sometimes contribute to the USP, such as supermarkets allowing people to purchase goods online and provide delivery to their doors. But as the number of online retailers increases this may erode the USP that depends greatly on the platform. Possible e-commerce dissertation topics & how to write phd thesis in this area are:
An analysis of e-commerce strategies for traditional organisations (Migration)
An analysis e-commerce strategies for new organisations
An analysis of e-commerce strategies for traditional organisations moving on to the Internet (Migration)
E-commerce strategies - Accident or design?
What are the components of a good e-commerce strategy?
An analysis of Internet branding strategies
How to obtain competitive advantage using technology
How to obtain competitive advantage using service in e-commerce
Internal business process and organisational strategy for change management
Business Process Reengineering - Myth or medicine?
An analysis of Internet business value creation strategies
Performance measurement of an e-business strategy (Case study)
E-business strategies for knowledge management - An analysis and evaluation
E-business strategies formulation techniques - Proposal for a new technique
An e-business strategy for a educational institution (Case study/Project)
An e-business strategy for an SME (Case Study/Project)
An e-business strategy for a B2B business.
An analysis of payment processing models
2.1 Marketing/Advertising for e-businesses
Marketing or advertising for an e-business is a very important part of the overall strategy for e-businesses. The development of Internet marketing techniques such as paid advertisements for keyword searches, banner advertisements and also the use of Web 2.0 applications that make use of social networks for advertisements, have all changed the way marketing and advertising operates. The amount of information available today has made it possible to carefully target customers based on profiles, networks, etc. A good knowledge of the mechanisms of the technology is required in order to take full advantage of the opportunities available. Suggested topics for your e-commerce dissertation or Mass Communications Dissertation include


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